Beach Camp is a weekend meant for all 9-12 grade students. It's a weekend where students will grow closer to one another and closer to the Lord. This year's theme is EVEN IF, pulled straight from Daniel 3:16-18. We want our high school students to be those who are willing to say, "EVEN IF, I'm going to follow Jesus." 

"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

DANIEL 3:16-18

COST: $400 (Late Price: June 1 - June 26)

Register and pay a $50 deposit to lock in your date and price.

DATES: June 28 - July 1
LOCATION: Panama City Beach, FL | Laguna Christian Retreat Center


SPEAKER | Mac Cockrell

We’re excited to welcome Mac Cockrell to Beach Camp 2024. Mac is a dynamic and passionate communicator dedicated to equipping and empowering students through the teaching of God’s word. With a heart for serving the Lord and a commitment to spreading the love of Christ, Mac brings a unique blend of humor, authenticity, and biblical wisdom that high school students are sure to enjoy.

BAND | MoveLove

Back by popular demand, MoveLove will be leading us in worship at Beach Camp this summer! We’ve loved being able to partner alongside MoveLove for student events including Transform Weekend this year, as well as Middle School Camp and Beach Camp in years past. MoveLove is comprised of several members across the United States and they are passionate about guiding students to the throne of grace through musical worship.



  • What are the Late Night themes?

    Friday: Pirate Party

    Saturday: Senior Citizen

    Sunday: Camo Night

  • What is the dress code for Beach Camp?

    Boys must wear a shirt while away from the beach/pool and shorts must be lower than their fingertips.

    Ladies must either wear a fully covering one-piece bathing suit or a fully covering tankini, and shorts must be worn while away from the beach/pool.

  • What is the cellphone policy?

    We will be taking up students’ phone in hopes that they are able to unplug & focus on the Lord during camp. Their leaders will be taking them up when we arrive at the camp & give them back during free time every day. After free time they will be taken back up & given to them once we load the busses to return home on Monday.

  • Do I need to send my student with any additional money?

    Your student will only have to pay for 1 meal during the week (lunch on the way home). In addition, there is a snack shack at Laguna where students can purchase snacks, and our band MoveLove will be selling merch while at camp that students can purchase.

  • How can I get in touch with my student during camp?

    All student staff members phone numbers will be listed in the provided before students leave, and the staff will have their phone on them at all times.

  • What if my child begins to feel homesick during camp?

    The camp schedule during the day is jam packed with worship, recreation, and beach time! If your student begins to feel homesick, we will allow them to call home anytime!

  • What if my student begins to feel sick?

    We will call you immediately and make a plan of action. If they are feverish and/or contagious we will ask that you come pick them up from Laguna Beach immediately.

  • My student takes daily medication. Will it be up to them to take their medication?

    We will require all students to turn in any prescription medication to the nurse at check-in on Friday morning. The nurse will make sure that each student comes to them to take their medicine each morning and night. Please include dosage information on an index card with the medicine in a zip lock bag with your child’s name on it before turning it in to the medical table.

  • How will students be transported?

    Students will ride charter busses to and from Panama City Beach.

  • How many bags can my student pack?

    Students are allowed 1 suitcase, and 1 carry-on.

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