(9th-12th Grade Students)
Attention all high school students! Beach Camp 2025 in Panama City Beach, FL, is a weekend you won't want to miss! We're headed back to Laguna Beach Christian Retreat as we explore God’s Word, participate in worship, and enjoy some time soaking up the sun on the beach!
Our theme this year is "Awe & Wonder!" Acts 2:42-47 says, "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
The early church was not composed solely of followers of Jesus; it was made up of individuals who were in awe and wonder of Christ. Our hope is that by the end of this year's Beach Camp, you will leave with a renewed sense of awe and wonder regarding who God is.
How much does it cost?
The cost for Beach Camp is $350 per student (March 3 - May 31) and then increases to $400 per student (June 1 - June 25). Make sure to register now and save!
Parent Resources
Check back soon for parent video, medical release forms, and more!
Will Mckay serves as the Next Gen Pastor at First Baptist Church in Collierville, TN. He has been married to his wife, Jennie, for over 20 years, and together, they have two sons, Liam and Samuel. For nearly two decades, Will has served in pastoral ministry at churches in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Kentucky.
Back by popular demand, MoveLove will be leading us in worship at Beach Camp this summer! We’ve loved being able to partner alongside MoveLove for student events including Transform Weekend this year, as well as Middle School Camp and Beach Camp in years past. MoveLove is comprised of several members across the United States and they are passionate about guiding students to the throne of grace through musical worship.
Because of deposits, payments, and items purchased prior to the event, refunds will not be given. The only exceptions will be sickness or emergency situations. For camp, you are able to pay a deposit to lock in a spot and can pay the remainder at a later time before the given deadline.
Friday - Luau
Saturday - Character
Sunday - Neon
Boys must wear a shirt while away from the beach/pool and shorts must be lower than their fingertips.
Ladies must either wear a fully covering one-piece bathing suit or a fully covering tankini, and shorts must be worn while away from the beach/pool.
We will be taking up students’ phone in hopes that they are able to unplug & focus on the Lord during camp. Their leaders will be taking them up when we arrive at the camp & give them back once we board the busses to return home on Monday morning.
Your student will only have to pay for 1 meal during the week (lunch on the way home). In addition, there is a snack shack at Laguna where students can purchase snacks, and our band MoveLove will be selling merch while at camp that students can purchase.
All student staff members phone numbers will be listed in the provided before students leave, and the staff will have their phone on them at all times.
The camp schedule during the day is jam packed with worship, recreation, and beach time! If your student begins to feel homesick, we will allow them to call home anytime!
We will call you immediately and make a plan of action. If they are feverish and/or contagious we will ask that you come pick them up from Laguna Beach immediately.
We will require all students to turn in any prescription medication to the nurse at check-in on Friday morning. The nurse will make sure that each student comes to them to take their medicine each morning and night. Please include dosage information on an index card with the medicine in a zip lock bag with your child’s name on it before turning it in to the medical table.
Students will ride charter busses to and from Panama City Beach.
Students are allowed 1 suitcase, and 1 carry-on.