Highland Campus LIFE Groups

If you would like more information, e-mail adultministries@ebcjackson.org

Coed: all ages
Leader: David Willard
Size: 8-12
WC 115

Couples: 40s-60s
Leader: David and Cheryl Mercker,

Steve and Sherry Herriman
WC 117

Couples: late 50s - late 60s
Leader: Tony and Kay Wamble
Size: 20-25
JFC 106/107

Women: Multigenerational

Leaders: Karen Jett and Melinda Stewart

JFC 103/4

Couples: mid 60s - mid 70s
Leader: Garry Miller
Size: 15-20
WC 118

Couples: all ages
Leader: TC Talley
WEB 132


Women: All ages
Leader: Mitzi Warren
JFC 105

Women: 60s-80s
Leader: Beulah Donelson
JFC 106/7

Women: 50s - 70s
Leader: Carrie Moffitt
Size: 10-15
WFH 143

Women: All ages
Leader: Carol Bivens
Size: 15-20

JFC 100


Men: late 50s - early 70s
Leader: Glynn Jones
Size: 10-15

WFH 140


Couples: mid 20s - mid 30s
Leader: Drew and Rachel Phillips,

Bill and Katherine Dement
Size: 20-30
WFH 150

Couples: 30s
Leader: Jube and Debbie Ashworth
Size: 20-25
WEB 200

Couples: all ages
Leader: John and Teresa McCarley
Size: 8-12
WEB 131

Couples: 30s-40s
AJ and Lauren Massey
WEB 202

Couples: 40s - 50s
Leader: Brian and Lanae Hedstrom
WEB 132

Couples: mid 30s - early 40s
Leader: Andy and Angie Atwood
WEB 205

Couples: mid 40s - early 50s
Leader: Marshall and Melanie Dotson
Size: 30-35
JFC 103/104

Couples: late 40s - early 50s
Leader: Marty and Carey Jordan
Size: 15-20
WEB 207

Couples: late 40s - late 50s
Leader: Donny and Rose Gateley
Size: 15-20
WEB 130

Couples: late 40s - mid 50s
Leader: Robert and Brenda Briley
Size: 20-25
CB 100/101

Couples: 40s-60s
Leader: Fonsie and Leslie Guilaran,

Wes and Cindy Harris
Size: 15-20
WEB 203

Couples: 50s - 60s
Leader: Ron and Paula McCollum
Size: 25-30
WEB 123

Couples: 60s-70s
Leader: Phillip and Candace Peterson

Size: 15-20

CB 100

Couples: 50s - 60s
Leader: Marty King, Pete McLemore, and

Doug Walker
Size: 25-30
WC 117

Couples: early 60s - early 70s
Leader: Mike and Mary Ann Montgomery
Size: 20-25
WC 118

Couples: mid 60s - mid 70s
Leader: Linn and Judy Stranak,

Doug and Cindy Rogers
Size: 20-25

Annex 104

Couples: mid 60s - mid 70s
Leader: Jim and Rita Strait
Size: 45-55
JFC 101


Co-Ed: all ages
Leader: Jeff and Brooke Longley, Stephen

and Teresa Collier, Ben and Pepo Hickey
Annex 100


Coed: all ages
Leader: Carl Lee
Size: 15-20
WC 118

Coed: Young Professionals
Size: 25-30
WEB 204


Women: late 60s - mid 70s
Leader: Emily Exum
Size: 10-15
WC 117

Women: mid 70s - mid 80s
Leader: Susie Crawford
Size: 10-15
WC 115


Men: late 60s early 80s
Leader: Ron Hill
Size: 10-15
Annex 100


Couples: 50s-60s
Leader: Gary and Lisa Taylor
JFC 103/4

Couples: 60s - 70s
Leader: Wayne Exum
Size: 8-12
JFC 105

Couples: mid 50s - early 60s
Leader: Tom Mapes
Size: 15-20
JFC 106/7

Couples: Nearly / Newly Young Married
Leaders: Darrell and Maryellen Allen, Bryson

and Linda McQuiston, Bill and Melinda Stewart, Tony and Betsy Taylor
WFH 153

Couples: 30s
Leader: Grant and Betsy Edwards

WFH 150

Couples: 30s
Leaders: Mark Layne and Ryan Courtner

WEB 132


Couples: 30-40s
Leaders: Stephen & Stephanie Moore
Size: 10-15

CB 100

Couples: 30s
Leader: Blake & Claire Pennington
Size: 10-15
WFH 150

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