JUNE 21-24   |  OCOEE, TN

Middle School Summer Camp is June 21-24 in Ocoee, TN. Join us for an unforgettable time in East Tennessee as we come together to worship, engage in group time, and participate in fun outdoor


"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

DANIEL 3:16-18

COST: $350 (Regular Price: April 1 - June 9)

Register and pay a $50 deposit to lock in your date and price.

DATES: June 21-24
LOCATION: Ocoee, TN | Adventure Ocoee

SPEAKER | Sam Landrith

Sam Landrith is the lead pastor at Thompson Station Church in Middle Tennessee. Sam has a deep love for the Lord and a passion for communicating His word. With many years of student ministry under his belt, Sam brings a contagious enthusiasm and genuine authenticity that middle school students are sure to enjoy.

BAND | David Freeman Band

Worship is more than a routine; it is a way of life” gives David the conviction to chase God’s call on his life. He has a passion for leading people to the true living God and taking worship to new levels for believers. David is comfortable leading people to God with a guitar in hand or by sitting down with a pen and pad to write powerful lyrics. He has had the honor of leading different settings (camps, disciple now weekends, concerts, worship services) to crowds of all ages all across the country. He has served as the worship pastor of Willowbrook Church (Huntsville, AL) for the past 15 years. He also consistently partners with JH Outback events. David still travels solo or with his band as his schedule permits. He is married to Emily, and they have two amazing kids! In his spare time, you can find him on a golf course, or in a random thrift store.



  • What is the cellphone policy?

    We will be taking up students’ phones in hopes that they are able to unplug & focus on

    the Lord during camp. Their leaders will be taking them up when we arrive at the camp &

    keeping them until the return trip home. They are allowed to have them on both bus


  • How can I contact my student?

    Blake Fondren (Middle School Pastor Highland Campus) – (731) 845-6047

    Camden Nephew (Youth Pastor Medina Campus) – (901) 297-0047

    Adventure Ocoee - (423) 338-9575

    Staff will have their phones on them at all times!

  • What is the dress code?

    • No tight clothing that reveals undergarments

    • No short shorts or skirts

    • Boys must wear swim trunks that are fingertip length & no speedos

    • Girls must wear a one piece or fully covering tankini

    • No clothing with questionable sayings, slogans, etc.

    • Clothes must be worn over swimsuits unless at the water park or lake.

    **If any students violate these rules they will be asked to change**

  • What if my student takes medication?

    We understand that consistently taking prescription medication is a serious thing. For

    that reason, we will require all students to turn in any prescription medication to the

    student staff member at check-in on Friday evening. Please include dosage

    information on an index card, with the medicine in a zip lock bag with your child’s

    name on it before turning it into the medical table.

  • Does my student need money?

    Your registration fee to camp covers all meals and activities while we are at camp but

    we will stop once going there on Friday and once coming back on Monday for lunch.

    Please send your student with money for these travel meals. There will also be a snack

    shop available to kids at camp.

  • What if there is a medical emergency?

    In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, the camp nurse will take the lead in

    establishing treatment. Parents will always be one of the first phone calls. If a

    hospital visit is necessary, a staff member and the camp nurse will arrange

    transportation and gathering necessary release forms.

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