Seattle - Day 1


Six Englewood PrimeTimers were on the road by 3:30 a.m. on Monday, driving to Nashville to catch a non-stop flight to Seattle, Wash., where we are serving Jonah Easley’s church plant this week.

Jonah, Jordan’s younger brother, is attempting to reach a diverse population that speaks no fewer than 100 major languages. In Bellevue, Wash., where Jonah is located, about 50 percent of the population speaks Chinese. Jonah is fluent in the Chinese language.

We arrived in Seattle by 9:45 a.m., PDT, and soon met with Jonah and his parents, Ernest and Julie Easley, who are visiting this week. We are building a playground, which was purchased by Englewood through your missions giving. Thanks to your generous offerings, Englewood is able to help young churches reach their communities for Christ.

Jonah believes the playground will help him build strong relationships in the community and open doors for reaching souls for Christ. Englewood members on this mission trip are Mike and Mary Ann Montgomery, Jacky and Tommie Campbell and Dan and Lisa Morris. Please be praying for us while we serve this week!

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