Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Story City Church is a church plant that Englewood supports as part of the 20/20 Vision.
I did not go on my first mission trip until I was a married adult. I was always told, “Once you go on a mission trip, you will never be the same”, and how true those words are. Serving in mission work, across the street and around the world, is a passion and love that our family has always shared. So, you can see how excited we are to take our daughter, Macy, on her very first mission trip to Los Angeles, California!
Story City Church is a church plant that Englewood supports as part of the 20/20 Vision. They started a little over a year ago in Burbank, which is a suburb of Los Angeles. Meeting in a local theatre, they are reaching lost, broken, and messy people that need Jesus. With a staff of only 3 pastors, it’s physically hard to reach their community for Christ. That’s where we come in! We are here this week to be the hands and feet of Jesus and of Story City Church.
When we think about mission work, we usually think about helping the needy and feeding the hungry, but today, as we walked through these neighborhoods of beautiful homes, I began to wonder what the story was behind each door.
Today we headed out on foot to distribute Easter service door hangers to surrounding neighborhoods. What we have learned about Burbank is that it’s a family-friendly, very affluent city that attracts a lot of the “stars” that have been successful in the Hollywood industry. When we think about mission work, we usually think about helping the needy and feeding the hungry, but today, as we walked through these neighborhoods of beautiful homes, I began to wonder what the story was behind each door. They don’t need our money, they don’t need our food, and they don’t need our help with construction, but what they DO need is to be introduced to our Savior! You know, these people probably think they have it all, but at the end of the day, they don’t have the JOY of the Lord and salvation that only comes through a relationship with Him. Pray with us that the simple invite of a door hanger will draw people to Story City Church!
We also went to 2 Elementary Schools today to invite parents and children to a large family-focused Easter egg hunt that Story City Church is sponsoring at a nearby Middle School.
Many have been receptive to us talking about Christ, but we have also had negative feedback as well. We press on and continue to allow the Lord to use us and mold us into His image! The Lord is stretching us in our boldness!