It has been a blessing to go on a mission trip to Utah. Throughout the week, the Lord has been teaching two main things. I have been reminded of the importance and power of prayer. Our team spent hour’s prayer walking around neighborhoods, and it was a time that the Lord used to speak into my own heart. As I am praying, I am being reminded that this is not only a prayer for Utah but also a prayer for the people of Jackson. The Mormon people believe that they hold truth and that Christianity is one in the same with Mormonism. We prayed a prayer of awakening to truth in the hearts and minds of the people here in Utah. During this time, I was reminded of my words not being just words, but they are being heard by Almighty God. It was a much-needed reminder within my own heart that we serve a God who wants to communicate with us. I was challenged to continue prayer walking when we get back home, because there is a certain beauty in bathing a community of people in prayer.
The second main truth that the Lord was speaking into my heart was the importance of knowing the truth of Scripture. I went with one of the church planters named Timothy O’Day, and we went door to door in a neighborhood to love on people and share the Gospel. In this time, God showed me the importance in seeking after truth of scripture. In a particular conversation, Timothy and I were invited inside a home to talk more about Christianity. Timothy began to explain to this man the Gospel, and he shook his head to say he understood what he was saying. We exchanged back and fourth for a long time, and the bulk of the conversation was over interpretation of Scripture. In that moment, I was reminded that God has done a great job explaining the Gospel in his own words through the Bible. Through this experience the Lord challenged me to allow God to have the microphone in Gospel conversations.
We are ambassadors of the truth, and it is our job to share the truth among the lost. We have been tasked to do this in our homes, towns, and nations. Our team had the undeserving blessing to do such as that. I am thankful that God chooses to use sinners like me to tell other about Him. 2 Corinthian 5:20 states, “we are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.”